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Early Childhood Education (ECE): How to Spot a High-Quality Preschool

Written by Sarah Mead | 4/6/16 11:22 AM
The first five years have so much to do with how the next 80 turn out.

Bill Gates Sr. Microsoft Founder and Educational Advocate

It’s only natural to want the best for your child. That’s why choosing the right preschool for your child is one of the most important ways to set your child up for a lifetime of success.

Parents often worry more about which college their child will ultimately attend than they do about their child's preschool. However, later academic success greatly depends on the skills that children develop while their brains are undergoing their most rapid development.

In fact, focusing on a child's early development has a bigger impact on academic success than the skills learned in the high school years. In the first three years of life, the brain reaches 80% of its full adult volume, and the connections that influence language development and social interactions are particularly sensitive.

Research has repeatedly shown that students who attend a high-quality preschool end up more successful later in life. Children who attend top preschools ultimately earn more, are more likely to hold a job and are more likely to graduate high school.

Characteristics of a High Quality Early Childhood Education (ECE)

The best ECE programs take the whole child into consideration with their teaching methods rather than simply teaching basic academic concepts.

The best preschools inspire a love of learning, teach self-discipline and encourage children to take ownership of their learning. This approach will help empower children to become successful in elementary school, middle school, high school and beyond.

How to Choose a ECE Program:

Here are four areas we recommend parents look into when trying to choose a preschool for their child.

1. Ask about the research behind their preschool curriculum.

An effective preschool program will use teaching practices that are evidence-based and proven to create positive results for students. Ask about the teaching methods used in the program and how that program was developed. A high-quality preschool will be able to furnish you with a list of research references that supports their curriculum design.

You should also find out about the background of the teachers and ask how their skills will help preschool children develop to their full potential.  For example, Montessori preschools and IB programs like Whitby require teachers to have a bachelor's degree, which has been shown to dramatically improve the results in a child's education.

2. Look for an ECE program that encourages diverse learning.

A preschool curriculum that teaches many skills and subjects is important to get kids ready for elementary school. English or bilingual language skills and developing literacy should be balanced with learning social skills such as self-discipline and cooperation. Both are necessary for future academic and social success. A high quality preschool should also teach students to regulate their emotions and become self-driven.

3. Learn how they encourage curiosity and a love of learning.

During their early years, children form as many as 1,000 new neural connections every second as they seek to understand the world around them. An effective, high-quality preschool takes the natural brain development and curiosity of young children into consideration when planning their curriculum. To discover if the school focuses on proven teaching techniques, ask how the preschool curriculum encourages students to ask questions and be inquisitive.

4. Ask how they set students up for a successful elementary school transition.

The first couple years of elementary school are crucial to building a foundation for future academic success. Many parents focus on how a preschool prepares a child academically for transitioning to elementary school, but the emotional and social preparation is just as important—especially when a child is changing to a new school. In a four-year study of 40,883 students, John Hopkins University discovered that the stress of entering a new school is one of the main reasons children can fall behind academically.

When kids are at a new school, they worry about making friends, feel lost while navigating a new campus and don’t always know who to turn to when they need help. As a result, it’s important to ask how a preschool you’re considering will set your child up to make a successful elementary school transition.

How to Find the Right ECE program for your Child

The right preschool can help children build on their natural gifts, develop a love of learning and prepare them for the next steps in their educational journey. As a parent, choosing the right preschool is a big job. That’s why it’s important to do your research to find an early childhood education program that will nurture your child through their most important formative years and give them the tools they need to be successful later.