A few weeks ago, I wrote about the importance of Design in the International Baccalaureate curriculum as students enter the Middle Years Program (MYP). Now, in a four-part series, we'll dive a little deeper and see actual design students putting the four stages of the cycle into action while completing a unit known as the Landmark Marble Roll. This week we take a look at Evaluating.
MYP Design Cycle in Action: Evaluating
In the past few weeks, Design students showcased how they tackled the Landmark Marble Roll project through the Inquiring and Analyzing, Developing Ideas and Creating the Solution stages of the MYP Design Cycle. This week's video details the next stage: Evaluating. In this phase, students Design Testing Methods, Evaluate the Success of the Solution and Explain How the Solution Can Be Improved.
Read an overview of the MYP Design Cycle here, and watch videos of the other stages of the Cycle: Inquiring and Analyzing, Developing Ideas and Creating the Solution.