"The world no longer cares how much you know; the world cares about what you can do with what you know." - Tony Wagner
At Whitby, we support students to take responsibility for their learning, take action and work collaboratively with teachers and other students to plan, present and assess their learning. This takes many forms in the Lower School.
- Students’ wonderings and questions are informing and directing their learning.
- Student assessment portfolios become more and more student driven as children move through the continuum of learning of Whitby.
- Students set the learning goals with their teachers.
- Students lead parent/teacher conferences and share their learning journeys with their parents.
So what do our older Lower School students know and understand about assessing and reporting after having been guided, involved and empowered in their journey from Stepping Stones through Grade 4?
To find the answer we asked Grade 4 students to work in small groups and summarize their understanding of different aspects of student assessment and report cards. To make their thinking visible and to share it with the community, we asked Upper School Design Teacher Mr. Lohmeyer to use his cartooning skills to interpret the understandings of the Grade 4 students. He drew what the students told him and filmed it. Once the video was completed, the students finalized it with the commentary.