Whitby inspires a passion for learning and empowers each child to take responsibility as an open-minded, principled citizen in a global community.
We aim to fulfill our mission even under exceptional circumstances. To be successful, distance learning must address the whole child by focusing on academic, social-emotional, and physical well-being.
Whitby Distance Learning Plan
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Roles and Responsibilities: Whitby School
- Roles and Responsibilities: Students and Parents
- General Guidelines for Faculty
- Distance Learning: Children's House and Lower School
- Distance Learning: Middle School
- Community Building
- Contact Information
Our current plan has been informed by experiences and reflections of schools near and far that have been offering distance learning for extended periods of time.
We are committed to monitoring and improving this plan as we embark on this new experience. We fully anticipate challenges that we will have to address and overcome together, but we are also hopeful to discover new opportunities and pathways to learning.
Whitby inspires a passion for learning and empowers each child to take responsibility as an open-minded, principled citizen in a global community.
We aim to fulfill our mission even under exceptional circumstances. To be successful, distance learning must address the whole child by focusing on academic, social-emotional, and physical well-being. Student learning will be supported with modeling, differentiation, specific feedback, and opportunities for reflection and revision. Distance learning does not replicate onsite learning, but we can deliver high-quality instruction that is a combination of interactive, guided, and individual learning experiences.
The success of distance learning depends on the partnership and support of the entire learning community. In the development of this plan, we considered the need for flexibility and structure to address the different realities of our families. We also considered diverse learning needs to ensure that all students can continue learning in this new environment.
All members of our learning community are playing an important role to make distance learning a success.

An Asynchronous Learning Environment is a learning environment that does not require participants, teachers, and students to be online at the same time. It provides more flexibility to address different schedules or commitments. It also allows students to complete assignments and engage in learning at their own pace.
Synchronous Real-Time Engagements are opportunities for students to participate in engagements with their teachers and classmates at an established time to allow for interactions in real time. This does not only support learning but also social-emotional well-being, collaboration, and group problem-solving.
We are mindful of students’ screen time and will provide a balance of on and off-screen engagements that are appropriate to the student age. As a result, we ask that students have access to lined paper, pencils, rulers, and a calculator.
Monitoring the Student Experience
Whitby has a variety of ways to monitor the student experience with distance learning:
- Digital platforms (Veracross, GoGuardian, Seesaw, Google Suite) will provide us with valuable information about student engagement.
- Feedback from students, teachers, and parents will help us understand how the current plan is addressing the needs of all involved and how we might improve it.
Our dedicated teachers have been preparing for distance learning using the following platforms:
- Veracross - School Information System and communication tool (Middle School)
- GoGuardian
- Seesaw (Lower School)
- Zoom
- Google Suite including Google Hangouts
- Middle School: All students will use their Whitby-issued Chromebooks.
- Lower School: Students and families in Lower School will use their at-home devices.
- Children’s House: Students and families in CH will use their at-home devices.
- Develop whole school and sectional plans for distance learning.
- Communicate with faculty/staff and parents. Support faculty/staff and parents during distance learning.
- Ensure effective implementation of the Distance Learning Plan and accountability to student learning.
- Collaborate with colleagues to design distance learning experiences for students in accordance with divisional plans.
- Develop high-quality student learning experiences.
- Communicate with and provide timely feedback to students.
- Communicate with parents, as necessary.
- Support co-teachers in the development of high-quality student learning experiences in accordance with divisional plans.
- Curate and/or develop resources to support EAL and SAIL students.
- Prepare for individual or small group classes with students who have EAL support.
- Communicate with and provide timely feedback to students.
- Communicate with parents, as needed.
- Support teachers in the development of high-quality student learning experiences.
- Curate and/or develop resources to support distance learning.
- Create screencasts, videos, podcasts or other how-to resources for teachers.
- Facilitate small group instruction if needed.
- Provide feedback to students if needed.
- Visit online classes and give professional feedback and guidance.
- Create developmentally appropriate videos regarding self-regulation, anxiety and/or wellness strategies that students can practice during this time of Distance Learning.
- Provide developmentally appropriate “blog-type” statements that include resources regarding anxiety, isolation, health, and well-being particular to grade level(s).
- Respond to the counseling needs of students, as needed.
- Provide timely responses and support to student, family, and faculty requests regarding technology issues.
Roles and Responsibilities: Students and Parents
- Dedicate appropriate time to learning, as guided by your teacher/s.
- Check appropriate online platforms for information on courses, assignments, resources daily.
- Identify a comfortable and quiet space to study/learn.
- Attend, as much as possible, the regular synchronous engagements offered by each of your teacher/s.Dress appropriately, be on time.
- Notify the teacher if you cannot be present for a scheduled video call.
- Focus on synchronous engagements. Do not use any other devices to text, FaceTime, etc. Be fully present.
- Engage in all learning posted with academic honesty.
- Submit all assignments in accordance with the provided timeline and/or due dates.
- Ensure own social and emotional balance by keeping healthy habits.
Parents Support your child/ren in their learning by:
- Providing an environment conducive to learning, which includes access to technology, safe and quiet space during daytime, and materials that may be needed to complete assignments such as lined paper or a notebook, pencils, etc.
- Engaging in conversations on posted materials, assignments.
- Monitoring time spent engaging in online and offline learning, including variables like that of preferred learning times (morning, afternoon, evening).
- Encouraging attendance, as much as possible, to the regular synchronous engagements offered by each of their child’s teacher/s.
- Ensuring that students are dressed appropriately during synchronous engagements.
- Support emotional balance by providing ample room and time for reflection, physical activity, conversation, and play.
General Guidelines for Faculty
- Timely feedback is essential to student learning; this is especially true in online learning environments when/where students are unable to ask questions as they normally would in a classroom setting.
- Clear communication should be provided regarding where/how students should ask questions and seek clarification specific to learning targets, task requirements, and/or deadlines.
- Actively monitor email for questions and communications from students/families.
- Copy parents on emails to students.
Offline Work
- Avoid tasks requiring printing. Ideally, tasks should be completed on a device or uploaded as a picture, document, etc.
- Consider including offline activities in your lessons such as reading, engaging in discussions with a family member or friend remotely, writing in a journal, taking pictures, and/or making a video presentation if possible.
Work Time
Consider varying the activities you normally plan.
- Offer alternative opportunities for reading, research, online discussions/peer-feedback, and producing written work.
- Seek the support of colleagues and others who have specific interest and/or expertise in delivering online distance learning experiences.
- Provide students ample time to complete assignments. More time than you would usually provide in class may be necessary for students.
- Keep tasks simple and directions clear to make sure students understand what they are required to do.
- Allow as much prior notice or lead time for deadlines as possible. This allows families the flexibility to manage deadlines while parents support all students in the household, and also work from home.
- Post learning engagements in the Google doc and on Veracross
Distance Learning: Children's House and Lower School
Role of ParentsAs young students are still developing their independence, a teacher-parent partnership is necessary for students to engage in distance learning tasks and to access online resources. The designed learning tasks and activities will provide direction and support to families with the understanding that task completion depends on each individual families’ circumstances.
Read the information sent by your child’s teachers.
- Increase your familiarity with Seesaw as an instructional tool. Seesaw will be utilized as a platform for home-learning during the campus closure. The Seesaw Class app and the Seesaw Family app are two platform applications our students and their families will use to share work completed at home. Your child’s homeroom teacher will provide instructions regarding how students/parents can download the Seesaw Class app on a mobile device, or how to access Seesaw through a web browser if using a laptop. Your child's QR code was sent home prior to March Break. Please let your classroom teacher know if you are unable to access it.
- View the weekly plan sent to you via email with your child in which their teacher will outline the expectations for the week.
- Help your child log in to Zoom sessions for scheduled interactive lessons and activities with teachers and classmates.
- Designate a place in your home or where you are temporarily located so your child can work independently on his/her assigned tasks and complete independent reading each day.
- Email your child's classroom teacher if you or your child has questions and/or if your child needs extra help and support. Our faculty will be present on-line to help and will reply to email support within 24 hours, as per usual.
The first day of distance learning is Monday, March 30 and will focus on developing new online routines and give each student the ability to familiarize themselves with this method of learning.
Starting Tuesday, March 31, distance learning will focus on developing new skills, knowledge, understandings, and concepts, as well as on review and practice.
- Learning tasks for the week will be sent by the classroom teachers, in the form of a schedule.
- Synchronous Zoom meeting sessions will be communicated through an email calendar invitation with the appropriate login code.
Assessment & Progress Monitoring
Teachers will monitor student progress through the activities that students engage in on Seesaw and other digital platforms. Teachers will provide daily, specific and constructive feedback for each student. Teachers will adjust lessons as needed to meet the learning needs of their students. Formative assessments administered will be included in the daily time guidelines for each subject area.
Stepping Stones
The Distance Learning Plan in Stepping Stones will include a list of home-learning activities and engagements around the various areas of the Montessori Classroom. In addition, there will be specific times scheduled where classroom teachers can connect with their students and parents.
Learning Experience: At the beginning of each week, teachers will send an informative email with learning engagements. Classroom teachers will also send parents invitations to join them in an interactive experience for their children via Zoom.
Learning Timeframe: Students are encouraged to engage in Distance Learning activities at the discretion of the caregiver. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend scheduled Zoom check-ins.
Learning Specifics: The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the experience. More specific details will be shared by classroom teachers by 4:00 p.m. Sunday evening, March 29.
The Distance Learning Plan in Primary will include a list of home-learning activities and engagements around the various areas of the Montessori Classroom. In addition, there will be specific times scheduled where classroom teachers can connect with their students and parents.
Learning Experience: At the beginning of each week, teachers will send an informative email with a weekly schedule that contains learning engagements for the students at each Primary level. Primary students and their families will participate in literacy, math, sensorial, and practical life activities. In addition, activities from Art, PE, and/or Music will be available each day. Classroom teachers will also send parents invitations to join them in an interactive synchronous lesson for their children using Zoom.
Learning Timeframe: It is important to observe your child as he/she engages in the task and to use this observation to help guide your support. We also and always encourage you to explore familiar experiences and activities like that of reading for pleasure, journal writing, and play to extend and enhance your child’s learning. Teachers will be available should there be a need for support or clarification.
Learning Specifics: The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the experience. More specific details will be shared by classroom teachers by 4:00 p.m. Sunday evening, March 29.
Lower School Grades 1-4
The Distance Learning Plan for Grade 1 to Grade 4 will include home-learning engagements and/or activities that parents can assist their child in understanding for independent completion.
Learning Experience: A variety of tasks will be included, and some learning tasks may include other online platforms (e.g. BrainPop, Khan Academy, Aleks, Epic, TrueFlix). If another online platform is required, teachers will share specific instructions for parents to access the platform. Students will also be invited to participate in weekly interactive synchronous lessons and activities using Zoom and/ or Google Hangouts.
Learning Timeframe: Students are encouraged to engage in Distance Learning in the designed and described ways for approximately three hours/day. The quality of this experience is most closely associated with how deeply the child is connecting to the experience. Over the course of this timeframe, students will engage with varying degrees of independence. The more challenging the task, the more support might be required. While we encourage your child to seek support, please allow your child to accept responsibility and take on challenges with increasing independence. Teachers will be available should there be a need for further support or clarification.
Learning Specifics: The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the experience. More specific details will be shared by classroom teachers by 4:00 p.m. Sunday evening, March 29.
Distance Learning: Middle School
The Middle School students will learn through a blended learning model, which includes asynchronous learning as well as synchronous, real-time interactive sessions with their teachers and classmates. Each of these learning experiences may be followed up with appropriate independent work or a formative/summative assessment to confirm that the students have engaged appropriately with the content and developed knowledge and understanding that supports their progress.Please note that while 90 minutes are allocated to each learning block the expectation is that the actual engagement time might vary. We understand that our students will complete independent assignments at different times and might work outside of this schedule.
Role of Parents
As Middle School students are still developing their independence, a teacher-parent partnership is necessary for students to engage in distance learning tasks and, in some cases, to access on-line resources. The learning tasks and activities provide direction and support to families. We have framed the learning experience to require minimal parental involvement.
As a parent of Middle School students, we ask you for the following support:
Become familiar with your child's schedule and check in with your child daily about the distance learning tasks, activities, and assessments they are working on.
- Designate a place where your child will work independently on his/her assigned tasks.
- Ask your child to provide a brief summary of the learning he/she is engaging in for each class to ensure his/her understanding of the content and of the process they are being asked to engage in to demonstrate their learning.
- Support your child in submitting assignments according to the established deadlines if needed.
- Remind your child to email his/her teachers if your child has questions or needs extra help and support. Please encourage your child to take responsibility for reaching out to the teacher first. This will promote agency and ownership.
- Our faculty will be on hand to help and support within 24 hours.
- Encourage your child to make use of open office hours all teachers will be conducting between 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Content and Timing
The first day of distance learning is Monday, March 30 and will focus on developing new online routines, plus give the students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with this method of learning.The Distance Learning Plan in Middle School will include engaging experiences for each scheduled class block on the new Distance Learning Schedule. We rearranged the schedule to provide structure and flexibility, ensure sustained student focus, and allow for teachers to give specific feedback.
- Students have three blocks of learning every day with Math, English, Spanish, Science, and Individual and Societies scheduled every other day
- Design and the Arts meet once a week for a block.
- Every day begins with a check-in by your child’s advisor to determine student needs and provide a common predictable structure and start time.
- We are following a Monday - Friday schedule, not A - E.
- PE classes are offered outside of the block schedule. Students will find weekly lessons and tasks in the respective tab on their Google schedule.
- Our visual art, theater, and music teachers also offer optional learning engagements for all students. You will find those in the respective tab on the Google schedule.
- Student support from the Special Assistance in Learning (SAIL) team will be offered on an as-needed basis within and outside of the daily schedule.
- Students will have multiple activities within the timeframe of a regular class. Teachers will provide guidance specific to the amount of time activities/assignments might require. This will include time spent on accessing content, as well as completing work. Students will also have off-screen tasks that are designed to engage the middle school learner and attend to their needs. Students might also engage in work that requires students to fully and actively engage in the content independently and then reflect, summarize, and/or demonstrate newfound understandings of the content within a more collaborative online setting (Flipped Classroom model).
Please note that while 90 minutes are allocated to each learning block the expectation is that the actual engagement time might vary. We understand that our students will complete independent assignments at different times and might work outside of this schedule.
All assignments, including synchronous engagements (via Zoom or Google Hangout), are posted a day in advance. Teachers will record Zoom or Google Hangout sessions, so students who cannot be present can view the content at a convenient time. It is expected that students complete assignments within the allotted time frame communicated by the teacher. We will take attendance via completed assignments.
If your child cannot attend on a certain day, please notify your child's advisor.
Asynchronous Interactions
Teachers will communicate student learning expectations, provide resources, collect assignments, and provide feedback through Google Drive and Veracross. Students will have tasks and assignments in each subject area scheduled for that day.
Veracross pages will be updated for every lesson. Lesson updates will be ready for access by 8:00 a.m. on the day of the lesson. When a learning experience includes a project or extended application of learning over multiple days, lesson updates will be posted for multiple upcoming sessions.
Lessons will include:
A brief update referencing the daily learning target(s) for the lesson and directing students to the materials page to access resources/assignments, etc.
This update will ensure:
- Students know what learning they need to accomplish for that day.
- Continuity of learning that is clearly connected to their learning in the prior class and will connect to the learning in the upcoming class.
- An explanation (written or recorded) to introduce and explain the lesson and task(s).
- Asynchronous interaction through Discussion forums in Google Drive, Veracross or GoGuardian, feedback on student work,
- Teachers will respond to student and parent emails/questions within 24 hours.
Synchronous Interactions
Students will engage in synchronous, or real-time, engagement with their teachers and classmates using Zoom or Google Hangouts. Teachers will do so in the following ways:
- Schedule Lessons/ Mini-lessons: Students may participate in real-time lessons on specific topics during specific times established by teachers. This can happen for the whole class group or in smaller groups.
- Scheduled Office Hours: Students can join office hours to ask questions or discuss learning with their teachers. Teachers are available between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. for student questions and comments. Individual Requests: Students request help by making appointments with their teachers or counselors at an agreed time.
Assessment & Progress Monitoring
Teachers will monitor student progress through the activities that students engage in. Teachers will provide specific and constructive feedback for each student. Teachers will adjust lessons as needed to meet the learning needs of their students. Formative and summative assessments administered will be included in the daily time guidelines for each subject area.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Interim reports and conference notes will go live on April 3. Tuesday, April 7 and Thursday, April 9 will be regular school days. Detailed plans for parent-teacher conferences in a virtual place will be shared soon.
Community Building During Distance Learning
Community is fundamental to what makes Whitby, Whitby. Faculty, Staff and the Parents Association are working together to create ways for us to maintain our community connections be it virtual playdates, music sessions with Mr. Vinnie, or Boot Camp with Mr. Becklo. Details will be shared as they become available.
Contacts & Questions
Please do not hesitate to reach out to Silvia Gentile (Lower School Head) sgentile@whitbyschool.org or Simone Becker (Middle School Head) sbecker@whitbyschool.org with questions or comments you have as we start this new learning adventure.