ScratchJr in LE

Sarah Mead

Sarah Mead

The IT Department at Whitby has begun a pilot initiative to introduce programming concepts to LE Students. With visits to each of the 4 LE classrooms over the course of the last three weeks, the students used new software for the iPad called ScratchJr to develop stories.  Instead of telling the students that they were learning “programming,” the idea was to approach the exercises as interactive storytelling.

ScratchJr is an introductory programming language developed by the MIT Media Lab that "enables young children to create interactive stories and games" by snapping together graphical programming blocks.

This powerful introduction to a different way of visualized thinking is easily accessible, and by design, a great tool that can be explored from home. 


Sarah Mead

Sarah Mead

Sarah Mead is the Director of Marketing & Communications for Whitby School. Sarah's mind is a stirring pot of thoughts and ideas on content marketing, blogging, photography, videography, storytelling, social media, and website optimization. Working at Whitby has inspired her to reeducate the world about education, and to spread the passion, wisdom and expertise of the school’s talented faculty and staff.